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49 Hilarious Pet photos

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Doctors are begging Americans to stop doing this

19,265 Most Embarassing Celebrity Photos

42 Shocking ways people quit their jobs

I've noticed that the Internets seem to think they know

What will interest me.

I've also noticed that the Internets never, ever get it right.

Have they ever gotten it right for you?

Tell me your story, and maybe I can

Publish it, one sentence at at time, interlaced with six enormous

flashing video ads for the same product in between each sentence.

Tell me again why this internet thing is so great.

Except for it is allowing me to do this right now. For now.

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People makes they choices

Today I can be grateful for one thing: My life, my world, my hopes were never built On taking the goodness of human nature for granted....


Almost is an odd word. What does it even mean? I almost got in a car accident today. I almost overslept. I almost bought the DVD...

I saw a red fox today

I saw a red fox today I was a red fox toady Is awa rex fod toyad Swa ia ref fox taydo Si wa rexa dofy tydo Swi aaa dd re oo fy yoda swi...


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